
status of the online privacy


Each resource on a website to be requested from another domain outside the origin is treated as external. Tracking Protection Blacklist may qualify a resource as tracking facility. At the chart below you see the share of tracking in external resources, grouped by the EU national domain zones. "EU" series aggregates them all.


At the chart below you see the top of trackers operating in the EU national domain zones.

Tracking purposes

At the chart below you see the top of tracking purposes.

Tracking directions

At the chart below you see the top of countries where tracking traffic is getting processed.

Personal data breach

At the chart below you see the share of tracking without prior consent (Article 6 GDPR), grouped by the EU national domain zones. Tracking purposes monitored: Social, Fingerprinting, Advertising, Analytics.


Security of personal data is ENISA’s core operational objective and the agency plays a critical role in this field. The topics below require active engagement of all involved parties - institutions, business and the society.

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