
check potential privacy leaks on a website


Install the sensor

NoLeaks extension helps you control potential privacy leaks by auditing external content on each website you visit. In the pop-up you see outgoing connections to external resources. You may block some or all of them and prevent leakage of any data in the future. Next time when you visit the website, these blocks will be applied automatically. Blocked websites are shared with other users to help make the Web great again in terms of GDPR and privacy.

Privacy policy

Each resource on a website to be requested from another domain outside the origin is treated as external. Each request, not even for the purpose of identification, discloses at least IP address of the sender and its approximate geographic location. Combining together with other information, external requests can lead to unauthorized processing of personal data, a privacy leakage. Website visitors preserve the right to manage their privacy unconditionally, without the need to investigate an ownership and legality of the affiliated with the domain resources.

NoLeaks extension detects and demonstrates potential privacy leaks in the form of anonymous affiliation graph:

Affiliation graphs are published here for transparency and reporting purposes.

Chrome NoLeaks extension
  • Up to date
  • Digitally signed
  • Size 142 Kb
I agree
Firefox NoLeaks extension
  • Up to date
  • Digitally signed
  • Size 148 Kb
I agree
Opera NoLeaks extension
  • Up to date
  • Digitally signed
  • Size 134 Kb
I agree

Delist the website

Before attempting to be delisted, you should check on your website if there is any external or affiliated content in use. If you don't remove that, the website will be listed again by one of the sensors.

© NoLeaks 2019-2024. You may not redistribute the findings without written permission.